Ross Rankin Moody Opportunity Fund (MOF)

Funding Opportunities

Students will have an opportunity to receive up to $2,500 to go towards funding their request. Students are strongly encouraged to seek practical experiences to supplement their undergraduate academic career.

For example, students should look for experiences outside the classroom that will allow them to apply what they learn in the classroom in a practical setting.

Students are encouraged to think beyond wishing to attend or present at academic or career-related conferences/workshops.

Possible ideas to request funding include:

  • Opportunities that venture into startups
  • possibilities to partner, collaborate, or work with outside professional organizations that align with their interests/goals/passion projects
  • the launch or execution of their own research projects, topics, or other initiatives that need funding
  • professional presentations in their subject field
  • participation in study abroad programs, such as (iSEED, Rice in Country, etc.)
  • attend professional programs or conferences

We are hopeful students will be creative and original in their pursuits. Therefore, this general list of ideas is incomplete and is meant to guide our students when determining where to seek support for their ideas, programs, projects, and events.


Any currently enrolled, domestic, or international undergraduate students can apply and be considered for financial support through the Ross Rankin Moody Opportunity Fund.

Application Process

To be considered by the Ross Rankin Moody Opportunity Fund (MOF) Committee. Students must submit a completed application to the MOF Committee within the Office of Student Success Initiatives with supporting documentation detailing how this experience will enrich their educational or career aspirations.

Supporting Documentation includes a proposal and cost breakdown.

Proposal Requirements

The proposal should present a letter of intent detailing the reason for your request and budget breakdown.

Please include:

  • Description of the event/idea/program/project you are participating in
  • How will participating in the program or activity benefit your personal growth and enhancement?
  • Submit Budget/Cost Breakdown
    • Please provide specific information as to what the money would be allocated towards.
    • Make sure to include all potential costs associated with your activity, program, or project and if you will need advance pay or if this can be paid directly by our office.

    • Please note advance pay may take up to 8-12 business days to deposit into your account.

If you need a budget template, it can be made available by emailing us at, subject line: MOF Budget Template.

Applications are reviewed once a semester for a final decision. Please see the deadlines listed below. As a note, please be aware that not all requests may be funded, and this is not an emergency fund.

Application Deadlines


    (for fall and winter opportunities)

    • October 13th


    (for spring and or summer opportunities)

    • 1st of March

    MOF requests will be followed up within 7-8 business days of the application submission deadline. Business days are Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    To complete the application, click here.


    For more information, please email us at

    The Moody Opportunity Fund is supported by the Ross Rankin Moody Civic Engagement, Student Success, and Global Leadership Fund and is part of the Moody Experience at Rice University.

    Moody X