Success Diginee

SSI Spotlight - Spring 2024

Photo of Success Diginee

Photo of Success Diginee

Success Diginee (he/him)

Rising Senior, Sid Richardson College
Thoughtful, Resilient, Friendly

Majors: Cognitive Sciences Specializing in Neuroscience

What is something you're proud of this year?

Socializing more than in previous years.

What advice would you give to your freshman self?

Run your own race. There is no need to compare yourself to other students. You'll eventually get to the place you need to be, just keep at it.

How have you utilized the SSI office this year? How has SSI been beneficial for you this year?

I have worked with SSI weekly to improve my self-confidence and academic skills. This year I have applied techniques that I have learned and used them to help other students who've been struggling in their coursework.

Any advice for other students?

Academics are important, but a healthy mind is just as important. Finding a balance between the two is an important skill to have in life. It can get easy to get lost in school work and end up neglecting your physical and mental health, which ultimately impacts the quality of your work.